Solange DeSantis



Church hall pulses with new life

Saskaoon When Rev. Michael Stonhouse, rector of St. James Anglican church, wants to use his own parish hall, he has to make an appointment. That’s

Uber site marks 10 years in cyberspace

Ten years ago, Tod Maffin was unemployed, living near Vancouver and fooling around with something called the Internet. Participating in an online discussion group, he

CCC faces uncertain financial future

The Canadian Council of Churches, a major ecumenical organization, recently adopted a deficit budget for 2005 and is considering looking for additional sources of funding

Sombre service recalls missing native women

An Anglican church representative – Esther Wesley, co-ordinator of the national Indigenous Healing Fund – returned to a city she knows well, Timmins, Ont., to

Two churches examine shared ministries

Nearly 30 years after the Anglican and United churches broke off merger talks, the two denominations are again discussing closer ties – but a merger

Toronto defers vote on blessings

Delegate Matthew Kett speaks at the diocese of Toronto’s synod on the subject of same-sex blessings. The diocese deferred a vote on the blessings but

Some marriage commissions remain

In the months since General Synod in June gave dioceses the right to retain or abolish their matrimonial commissions, just over one-third have eliminated them

Flock is returning to church

Sociologist Reginald Bibby says churches are missing an opportunity when they do not make the effort to retain unchurched people who come to them for

Breaking bannock on city streets

Rev. Andrew Wesley (standing) visits with aboriginal men and women on Toronto’s streets during his regular walkabouts. The Cree priest, who grew up in northern

Despite vote, bishop holds line on blessings

The diocese of Niagara in mid-November became the second Canadian diocese to approve the concept of blessing ceremonies for gay couples, but Bishop Ralph Spence

Robinson sees ‘a way forward’

On Oct. 18, the day the Windsor Report was released, Anglicans heard many voices reacting to it — from those in favor of a church

Bishops agree on “shared” ministry

Archbishop Andrew Hutchison fields questions from media during the fall meeting of the House of Bishops in Saskatoon. It was his first time chairing the

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