Anglican Journal



Climate ‘chaos’

London (ENI)-Churches in Britain have joined the Stop Climate Chaos Coalition and hope to mobilize Christians to take stewardship of a threatened earth just as

Dinner raises funds for Forces bishop

During the bishops’ four-day meeting at a retreat house outside Toronto, they traveled into the city for Archbishop Andrew Hutchison’s second fundraising dinner, called Breaking

Toronto Anglican wins prestigious Giller Prize

Vincent Lam, an active Anglican from Toronto, has won the prestigious 2006 Scotiabank Giller Prize for excellence in English-language Canadian fiction. Mr. Lam, a parishioner

Extraordinary’ honour

Bishop Ralph Spence, of the diocese of Niagara, on Oct. 27 was one of three people honoured for their contributions to the field of heraldry


FaithLife Financial has awarded about $80,000 in scholarships to 46 young students across Canada through a program called Horizons; 36 of the recipients are enrolled


Wangusa The Anglican Journal published an incorrect photo to accompany a story about the appointment of Hellen Grace Wangusa as the next Anglican United Nations

Think again

The United Church of Canada has launched a $10.5 million, three-year media campaign aimed at connecting with Canadians 30-45 years old. The project, the largest

CoGS highlights

In other news, Council of General Synod (CoGS) also: approved a motion asking officers of General Synod, “in consultation with staff, to ascertain present and

Churches carry on fight against HIV/AIDS

The diocese of Fredericton has presented a $50,000 cheque to the HIV/AIDS campaign of the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF) from funds raised

Council settles wording on doctrine question

Mississauga, Ont. Delegates to General Synod 2007 will face this resolution in six months: “That General Synod accept the conclusions of the Primate’s Theological Commis-sion

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