Anglican Journal



Forum aims to equip youth leaders

Generation 2008, a five-day national forum “to renew, equip and empower” Canadian-Anglicans who are engaged in ministry with youth, will be accepting registrations in October

Green churches

Faith and the Common Good (FCG), a national organization that encourages inter-faith action on social and environmental concerns, has recently received funding from the Ontario

Spy accusation forces vicar to flee Iraq

BaghdadAn Anglican vicar who was working to secure the release of five British hostages in Iraq fled the country on July 11 after being denounced

New Moosonee dean

Bishop Caleb Lawrence, of the diocese of Moosonee, announced recently that Canon Sharon Murdoch had been appointed rector of St. Matthew’s Cathedral in Timmins, Ont.

Toronto suffragan bishop to retire in 2008

Bishop Michael Bedford-Jones, the area bishop of Trent-Durham, diocese of Toronto, has announced he will retire on or before Feb. 29, 2008. Bishop Bedford-Jones, who


Rev. Ephraim Radner was recently appointed professor of historical theology at Wycliffe College in Toronto. Letter writer Rev. Barbara Liotscos (Resistance to injustice, June/July letters)

We want your photos

The Anglican Journal wants to showcase the best of its readers’ photographs through its Web site, Each month, the Journal will invite submissions based

Appeal helps Journal’s bottom line

Enclosed in this issue of the Anglican Journal is information about the 2007 Anglican Journal Appeal. As always, proceeds of the Appeal are split evenly

Bridge victims remembered at service

MinneapolisAn interfaith service of healing was held Aug. 5 at St. Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral in Minneapolis after the collapse on Aug. 1 of the Interstate

Young Anglican follows vocation

Sister Amy Hamilton Sister Amy Hamilton is turning 30 this year and experiencing the same angst as any other twenty-something nearing that milestone. The only

Filmmaker’s last work left undone

Richard Stringer travelled to the Arctic for his film about his grandfather, Bishop Isaac Singer. Bishop Stringer was the first missionary in the western Arctic

We want your photos

Recently, the Anglican Journal asked readers to submit their best photographs for Picture Your Faith, a new monthly feature on the Journal Web site,

Images of General Synod 2007

(Left) Primatial candidates Bishop George Bruce, diocese of Ontario, and Bishop Fred Hiltz, diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island, outside Holy Trinity church,

Churches announce new sanctuary movement

New YorkMembers of the religious community in the United States are reviving the “sanctuary movement” of the 1980s by launching a national drive to protect


Native elder Linda Blomme leads a smudging ceremony on the banks of Winnipeg’s Red River. Used to purify people and places before a sacred ceremony,

AIDS program targets migrants

Migrant workers from Thailand perform at the 2007 AIDS Festival organized in Hong Kong by St. John’s Cathedral HIV Education Centre. The festival aims to

Six ways to green your parish

Designate a ‘bike-to-church’ Sunday; Repair leaks promptly. A leak of one drip per second wastes about 10,000 litres per year; Post signs encouraging people to

The art of the matter

Sacred Expressions was the title for a collection of 50 artworks, including Welcoming, Widening World (above) by Garth C. Panting, that expressed the General Synod

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