Anglican Journal



A fond farewell

Canon Alyson Barnett-Cowan has been appointed director for unity, faith and order at the Anglican Communion Office in London. At an emotion-filled farewell luncheon, members

Christmas with the Lutherans

WHY WOULD A bunch of Anglicans sit around a church hall and sing lustily in German? Could it possibly be the lively German music, both

One Voice CD speaks up loud and clear

THIS 33-SONG double CD is best understood as a sincere offering by Canadian musicians who support the broad goals of The Primate’s World Relief and

A trio of smiles at House of Bishops

(L to R) Bishop Patrick Yu, suffragan bishop of Toronto (York-Scarborough), Bishop John Chapman, diocese of Ottawa, and Bishop Michael Bird, diocese of Niagara.

Away on a sidewalk

THEY WERE navigating along the sidewalk, Jack steering the shopping cart and Cindy hanging on. She hadn’t been feeling well for quite a while, everybody

Singing The Song of Welcome

Rev. Laura McCue: “You can’t work on the South Shore if you don’t know a little Hank Snow.” The Rev. Laura McCue, originally from Grand

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