Anglican Journal


SECRETS in the corn

On this lovely sunny day, the incredible beauty of the land fills me with awe. I’m huffing and puffing like an old plough horse by

Celebrating 50 years

Archbishop Michael Peers, former primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, was the main celebrant at a special Eucharist April 25 at St. Thomas the

KAIROS announces new board executive

The Rev. Paul Gehrs, assistant to the bishop at the national office of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC), has been voted chair of

McLean appointed Chaplain General

McLean Col. Karl McLean, archdeacon of the Anglican Military Ordinariate of the Canadian Forces, has been appointed Chaplain General and will assume command of the

You can go green at home, too!

Living off the grid: Mary Ketchum Even if you can’t go off the power grid, you can buy your electricity from Bullfrog Power, which sources

Eco-spirit strong in New Westminster

In 2005, in celebration of its 125th year, the environmental unit of the diocese of New Westminster published a book-let called 125 Ways to Green

God’s love bursts into bloom

“Three loyal women bring spice to anoint their friend-they hear a Glory sing, come see, no corpse to tend! What fearful joy! Their wild sweet

First area bishop elected

Bishop-elect Lydia Mamakwa and family. Using a time-honoured tradition of standing behind the nominee of their choice, delegates from 16 native communities in the diocese

Paintings and incense and stones…oh my!

The primary theme in the Interface “Reign of Christ the King” liturgy is “God rules through the wood of the cross,” from an ancient Latin

A fallen friend

Birds of all seasons are a joy to behold: chirping robins in the spring, swans gliding on a summer pond, the flash of pheasants in

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