Anglican Journal



Canada news briefs

Video wins award Anglican Video has won a Bronze Reel Award at the International Television and Video Association Festival for the program The Power Within:

Journal still best newspaper

For the third year in a row, the Associated Church Press has named the Anglican Journal Best in Class. Judges from the University of Oregon’s

Church revives with help from the BCP

THE PARISH OF St. Aidan’s, Toronto, was in real trouble a few years ago. There was talk of reduced ministry, since the congregation had declined.

Performers make peace in war zone

Entertainer Eric Nagler takes his music to children in the Balkans on a tour to help them deal with the trauma of war. IN THE

Giving form to the angels

Art work from the travelling exhibit The Invisible Made Visible: Angles from the Vatican, at the Art Gallery of Ontario in Toronto: The Assumption of

Controversy always greeted BCP

The title page of Mattins set to music by John Merbecke in 1550. ON THE 450th Anniversary of the first Book of Common Prayer it

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