Anglican Journal



Closer relations sought for Christians, Muslims

The Archbishop of Canterbury, George Carey, chats with Francis Cardinal Arinze, president of the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Inter-Religious Dialogue. Amman, Jordan The Archbishop of

Mandela praises role of religion

Nelson Mandela broke a prior engagement to speak to the Parliament of World’s Religions. Mr. Mandela told the audience the work of religious leaders and

Avoiding extremes

I BELONG TO that small group of precise calculators who insist that Jan. 1, 2000, is not the beginning of the third millennium (who ever

Students cash-strapped

Many students at a Haitian university started by a former Canadian Volunteer in Mission can’t pay their tuition past the first year. Rev. Benoit Cherisol,

Jerusalem sacred for Palestinians, king says

Jordan’s King Abdullah put to rest any lingering doubts about his ability to lead the country after his father’s death. Amman, Jordan Jerusalem must be

Work harder to promote peace: Dalai Lama

Cape Town The world’s religions must make a greater effort to promote basic human values, the Dalai Lama said during the Parliament of the World’s

Letters to the editor

Don’t blame lawyers Dear editor, Your article, Collection Plate Cash Won’t Go To Litigation Bills (December Journal) reports some bishops wanted to take steps to

N.S. priest reinstated

Charles Bull has been reinstated as rector of the parishes of Lockeport-Barrington, effective Dec. 13, 1999. Mr. Bull spent most of 1999 on paid leave,

Archbishop Percy to retire in 2000

Most. Rev. Percy O’Driscoll has announced he plans to retire on Oct. 31 as bishop of the Diocese of Huron and Metropolitan of Ontario. Archbishop

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