Anglican Journal



Money could run out in 2001

Fredericton Facing bankruptcy perhaps as early as next year and with no commitment from Ottawa to prevent that, General Synod has begun to explore the

Church must pay: poll

Fredericton Four of five Canadians polled say they do not want churches forced into bankruptcy in order to settle residential school lawsuits. But more respondents

Boyd charges dropped

Prosecutors in Nova Scotia on April 26 dropped sexual assault charges against Rev. Michael Boyd, rector of St. Andrew’s Church, Hantsport. A spokesman for the

Group fights agreement

New York A dissident group within the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has vowed to continue its battle against an ecumenical agreement that would bring

Bank and churches to work together

World Bank President Robert Wolfensohn defended the bank at Lambeth ’98. Nairobi IHE WORLD BANK moved decisively to grab the hand of friendship which African

Incubators for disease

Papers in the National Archives in Ottawa detail the extent of malnutrition and other food-related problems at the schools. Letters from health officials to the

Less a cure than a treatment

Playing hockey at Pelican School, Sioux Lookout, Ont. In a September 1999 statement on residential schools, the Anglican Church’s general secretary, Archdeacon Jim Boyles, said:

Small satisfaction

A student listens to the radio at St. Michael’s School, Alert Bay, B.C. For those who were physically victimized, only a small degree of satisfaction

Too much for some to bear

Boys pull a wagon at Bishop Horden School. Ben Pratt pursued justice through the legal system, less out of malevolence than because he saw no

Renewed partnership

Boys hockey team, Sioux Lookout, Ont. While lawsuits have raised the awareness of some and the ire of others, many people see them as forums

Building on the past

Trudging through mud so thick that it threatens to suck the shoes right off my feet, I make my way across a bustling construction site

Some left the church in anger

Boys horse around at Old Sun. At their peak in the 1930s, there were 80 residential schools in all provinces and territories except New Brunswick,

Photo gallery

The Anglican Church of Canada’s General Synod archives hold about 2,000 photographs that span the whole residential schools era. Missionaries often took photos to support

The “Indian” problem

Boys brushing their teeth at Old Sun, Gleichen, Alta. One of the first significant dates in the history of residential schools is 1842, the year

Leaders preach near homes

Lutheran Bishop Telmor Sartison preached at Rev. Ian Mills’ Winnipeg church, St. Andrew’s Woodhaven. The leaders of the Anglican and Lutheran churches in Canada each

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