Anglican Journal



Priests to replace marriage commissions

Waterloo, Ont. DIOCESAN matrimonial commissions, which rule on applications by divorced people to remarry in the church, will become a thing of the past if

COGS members mostly new

Dorothy Davies-Flindall elected Prolocutor of General Synod Waterloo, Ont. THREE-QUARTERS of members of the new Council of General Synod (COGS) will be serving in that

Pondering full communion?

The dog days … or maybe dog moments of General Synod. An unidentified member takes a breather.

Protestors undeterred by killing

Organizers vow to continue protests such as this one which took place as Group of Eight leaders met in summit in Genoa last summer. A

Second Essentials conference draws 600

Keynote speaker Archbishop Yong Ping Chung of the Province of South Asia. Langley, B.C. More than 600 delegates to the second national Essentials conference this

Virtual synod a success with viewers

Waterloo, Ont. WHILE the meeting of General Synod was limited to about 400 members and visitors who packed the hall at the University of Waterloo,

Former priest sentenced

Rev. James Townley-Smith was sentenced to 2 years in prison on each of three counts of indecent assault related to incidents involving boys at several

Rights principles approved

Waterloo, Ont. AFTER more than 20 years of debate, a new declaration of principles on how the church treats parishioners and employees won General Synod

Church groups benefit from lawyer’s will

Reginald H. Soward, who earned the nickname “Mr. Anglican” for his years of involvement in leadership positions in the Anglican Church of Canada, left the

Beardy quits as Keewatin bishop

Bishop Gordon Beardy embraces Archbishop Michael Peers after absolving the church for its role in running residential schools. Bishop Gordon Beardy of the diocese of

BAS approval extended indefinitely

Waterloo, Ont. The once-controversial Book of Alternative Services is here to stay. General Synod decided to extend “approval of the BAS until such time as

Paper may incorporate

The Anglican Journal is moving toward incorporating itself separately from General Synod so it can continue to operate if General Synod goes bankrupt. General Synod’s

Fund raiser on hold

Plans for a feasibility study of a nationwide fundraising campaign have been put on hold because of uncertainty surrounding the national church’s financial situation, said

Fund for Aboriginals

Sydney (ENI) – The National Council of Churches in Australia’s executive body has recommended the establishment of a “healing commission” and a national government fund

The human face of full communion

Waterloo, Ont. IT WAS a sweet moment – the human face of full communion. Lutheran pastor Hugh Farmer of Saskatoon stepped down from a bus

Sydney bishop elected

Sydney (ACNS) – Canon Peter Jensen, principal of Moore Theological College, Newtown, Australia, was elected archbishop of the diocese of Sydney in early June. Bishop

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