Anglican Journal



Demise of religion premature

WHEN Prof. Reginald Bibby read the results of his most-recent survey of religious trends in Canada, he couldn’t believe his eyes. He checked and re-checked

Synod coverage honored

Birmingham, Ala The three main information tools of the Anglican Church of Canada were honored at a meeting of Associated Church Press last month for

Carey to visit

Archbishop of Canterbury George Carey will be guest of honour at celebrations commemorating the 125th anniversary of Wycliffe College of the University of Toronto, in

ECUSA ordains first indigenous woman bishop

Lawrenceville, Va. (ENS)-The Episcopal Church of the U.S.A. on April 6 ordained Carol Joy Gallagher as suffragan bishop in the Diocese of Southern Virginia–the first

Zimbabwe bishop banned from visiting U.S.

Harare The Anglican bishop of Harare, Nolbert Kunonga, is now on a list of Zimbabweans banned from the United States. Bishop Kunonga joins more than

A letter to Anglicans from the primate

Anglican Archbishop Michael Peers, centre, and other Canadian church leaders, including former Lutheran National Bishop Telmor Sartison, right, speak with European peace monitors in Hebron

Traveller’s Notebook

THE opening procession for the inaugural service of the 93rd synod of the Episcopalian Church in Cuba was led off by the dean’s dog, Puchurro.

Closed centre still gets calls

It’s a February afternoon in the General Synod library. The phone rings and the caller is seeking a video from the national church’s long-closed resource

Costa-Gavras probes role of church in Holocaust

Paris Amen, a much awaited film by Constantin Costa-Gavras that raises controversial questions about the church’s role during the Holocaust, opened in cinemas in France

A Lenten Rendering

re’nder v.t. 1. Give in return (render thanks, good for evil). 2. (arch.) Give back; hand over, deliver, give up, surrender, (render to Caesar the

Child abuse probed

Sydney (ENI)-Australia’s Anglican Church has announced an enquiry into child abuse in church institutions amid continuing criticism of the country’s constitutional head of state –

Vocational conference

The five Anglican bishops in the dioceses of British Columbia and the Yukon have organized an Anglican vocational conference for young people at Vancouver School

Right wing condemned

San Antonio, Texas The executive council of the Episcopal Church in the United States has passed its strongest condemnation yet of Anglican Mission in America,

Controversy delays vote for new bishop

A lay delegate to the Episcopal Church of Cuba’s 93rd synod casts a ballot, as seminary students observe. Havana The bishop of Cuba has postponed


Christ Church Cathedral in Ottawa held a celebration of full communion in February. Anglican Bishop Peter Coffin and Lutheran Bishop Michael Pryse led worship. At

College award honors first woman priest

Florence Li Tim-Oi at a 1987 service on her 80th birthday. Renison College at the University of Waterloo, has created an award in memory of

ABC book is well-prepared manifesto

ALL WHO MINISTER is certainly an unthreatening title. Even the sub-title, “New Ways of Serving God’s People,” sounds innocent. But the parts of this book

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