Anglican Journal



Brick sales aid project

Two large groups of Anglicans from the diocese of Calgary traveled to Chile last fall on a two-week work project called Blessings to Chile. They

TV ads decry violence

Los Angeles The Episcopal diocese of Los Angeles put out a series of 30-second ads on local television near Christmas to carry a message against

Our history, whether we claim it or not

The denigration of the study of history in Canada over the past 50 years was unfortunate. The mistaken view that historical ignorance would free people

Iraq attack not ‘just war’

Archbishop Michael Peers, primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, last November told a panel discussion in Toronto that an unprovoked attack on Iraq would

New ecumenical director

Lambeth Palace, London Rev. Gregory Cameron, former chaplain to Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams when he was Archbishop of Wales, has been appointed the director

Priest’s challenge aids fund

Bishop Len Whitten praised the Stephenville Crossing parish for helping General Synod’s healing fund. The tiny three-point parish of Stephenville Crossing, Nfld., is on fire

Elvis imitator decides it’s now or never

Attendees at the 1997 Elvis festival in Collingwood, Ont., renew their vows before Rev. Dorian Baxter, who claims to have brought ‘tens of thousands of

Photo exhibit extended

An exhibit of photographs from Indian residential schools at the National Archives of Canada has been extended to Sept. 1, 2003. The show, entitled Where

Just call them Doctor

Bishop James Njegovan of Brandon and retired Dean Jack Greenhalgh were awarded honorary doctor of divinity degrees in November by St. John’s College at the

Patenting life a dangerous step

Last December, the Supreme Court ruled that a higher life form could not be patented under existing patent law in Canada. In a 5:4 decision

More women clergy

Ahmedabad, India The Gujarat diocese of the Church of North India is now training more women for ordination, despite initial resistance to female clergy. Sonal

Churches send aid to islands

Honiara, Solomon Islands Church-run organizations are in the front line of providing aid to Solomon Islanders in the South Pacific who were battered by Cyclone

Church worker stabbed

St. Louis A 64-year-old church secretary, known for compassion and understanding in dealing with the homeless, died in December after being stabbed by a homeless

Ottawa churches help refugees

Chol Paul (far right), with wife, Everline, and brothers Madit and Bol. Chol’s story of fleeing Sudan has been adapted in England as a play.

Ingham picks mediator for same-sex dispute

Fulfilling his commitment to go ahead with a reconciliation process to bring eight dissident parishes back into the diocesan fold, Bishop Michael Ingham of New

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