Anglican Journal



AIDS program nets funding

Geneva The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria has for the first time allocated a grant to a non-governmental organization by presenting $485,000

Churches begin dialogue

Washington Three estranged American churches – the Reformed Episcopal Church, the Anglican Province of America and the Episcopal Church of the United States (ECUSA) –

Algoma debates sexuality

(clockwise, from top left) Algoma synod members: Mel Malton, lay member, All Saints, Huntsville, Ont; Rev. Richard White, incumbent of Algoma’s Northern Lights parish; Bishop

Tell us about your favourite vestments

The church is a tapestry of cultures and symbolism, as evidenced by the garments worn by clergy. From button blanket copes to sumptuous velvet chasubles,

Churches host shuttle mourners

Episcopalian churches in the north central area of the diocese of Texas, with two of the dead astronauts and many staff of the space program

Catholics, Anglicans debate awkward communion issue

Governor General Adrienne Clarkson receives communion from Roman Catholic Archbishop Marcel Gervais during a September, 2002, memorial for photographer Yousuf Karsh. A photo of Governor

New West talks in limbo

Amid reports that reconciliation talks between the diocese of New Westminster and eight conservative parishes had reached an impasse, cracks have appeared in the parishes’

Kairos director bows out after two-year term

Patricia Steenberg Executive director Patricia Steenberg of Kairos: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives has decided not to renew her term. Her resignation is effective Aug. 31,

Forum energizes Canadian participants

Sue Winn at a rally for the World Social Forum in Porto Alegre. Among the tens of thousands of activists at this year’s conference aimed

Indian church doors open

New Delhi Christian institutions in India have opened their buildings to the homeless as a bitter cold wave has claimed more than 1,000 lives this

Musicians to unite

Hans Behrmann, a brass player from Kenora, Ont., has put out a call to Anglican musicians to form a nation-wide support group. Mr. Behrmann said

TV ads decry violence

Los Angeles The Episcopal diocese of Los Angeles put out a series of 30-second ads on local television near Christmas to carry a message against

Our history, whether we claim it or not

The denigration of the study of history in Canada over the past 50 years was unfortunate. The mistaken view that historical ignorance would free people

Iraq attack not ‘just war’

Archbishop Michael Peers, primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, last November told a panel discussion in Toronto that an unprovoked attack on Iraq would

New ecumenical director

Lambeth Palace, London Rev. Gregory Cameron, former chaplain to Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams when he was Archbishop of Wales, has been appointed the director

Priest’s challenge aids fund

Bishop Len Whitten praised the Stephenville Crossing parish for helping General Synod’s healing fund. The tiny three-point parish of Stephenville Crossing, Nfld., is on fire

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