Anglican Journal



Fishers in trouble

Bishop Bruce Stavert of Quebec, in a letter published in the diocesan newspaper, said the communities of the lower north shore (from about Chicoutimi to

Compassion, information are antidote to fear

Altar boys, wearing masks to protect themselves from catching the flu-like Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), emerge from church after Good Friday mass at Hong

General synod agenda filling up

Calgary Same-gender blessings are expected to occupy a major portion of General Synod 2004, and Council of General Synod (CoGS) considered ways to handle the

Evangelicals ask Williams to speak

Archbishop Rowan Williams (pictured here with Archbishop Robin Eames of Ireland and Archbishop Michael Peers of Canada in 2001) will offer prayers at an evangelical

Policy revised

The diocese of Rupert’s Land has revised its sexual misconduct policy to include a proactive approach focusing on education. The policy also includes guidelines for

General Synod archivist moving on

Thompson Terry Thompson, General Synod archivist since 1979, is leaving the Anglican Church of Canada’s national office in Toronto for the position of assistant director

ECUSA backs diamonds bill

The Episcopal Church in the United States (ECUSA) has joined a coalition of religious, human rights and humanitarian organizations in commending the United States Congress

Campaign still petitioning G-8

Campaigners are gathering in Birmingham, England, five years after the 1998 summit of the world’s leading industrialized nations in that city, to proclaim that the

U.S. ‘zealous nationalism’ decried

It is now obvious from the 9/11 experience in the United States and the SARS outbreak in Canada that North American isolation from the woes

Bishops press for clemency

The bishops of episcopal dioceses in Florida and the World Council of Churches are pressuring Florida Governor Jeb Bush to grant clemency to Lionel Tate,

Fredericton surplus

The diocese of Fredericton is doing better than expected financially. Final budget figures for 2002 show a surplus of $76,000. Several factors contributed to the

Castro urged to review trials and sentences

Geneva In a letter addressed to Cuban President Fidel Castro, the general secretary of the World Council of Churches (WCC), Konrad Raiser, called the recent


Fabric artist Mandy Gravells was incorrectly identified in the May issue’s special supplement on vestments.

Evangelism director

Bishop Ralph Spence of Niagara has appointed Canon Michael Patterson as director of evangelism, a new position for the diocese. Mr. Patterson, currently the rector

Gujarat conversions outlawed

Churches in India expressed shock over the enactment of a law curbing religious conversion that passed without debate in the state of Gujarat. The legislation,

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