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Letters to the Editor


A different kind of Christmas

I am the deacon in the church of St. John the Evangelist in Leamington, Ont. My outreach ministry is as chaplain in Leamington District Memorial

Letters to the editor

The Anglican Journal welcomes letters to the editor. Preference is given to letters under 200 words. All letters are subject to editing for length, grammar

Letters to the editor

The Anglican Journal welcomes letters to the editor. Preference is given to letters under 200 words. All letters are subject to editing for length, grammar

Letters to the editor

Was Grenville school Anglican or not? Dear editor, Re: Church denies that closed, controversial school was Anglican (Sept. 6 news story). On Aug. 31,

A moratorium on letters about homosexuality?

YES: let us move on and broaden our horizons Dear editor, Re: A moratorium on letters about homosexuality? (October Anglican Journal). As an avid reader

Letters to the editor

Our ‘circle’ might not be big enough for Jesus Dear editor, Rev. Chris Barrigar’s letter (Synod theme prejudges issue of inclusivity, May Anglican Journal) prompts

Letters to the editor

Bishops’ statement ill-timed, ill-conceived Dear editor, I am saddened by the timing and the contents of the house of bishops’ pastoral statement (Bishops prepare for

Letters to the editor

The Anglican Journal welcomes letters to the editor. Preference is given to letters under 200 words. All letters are subject to editing for length, grammar

Featured Letter

A challenge to Canadian grandmas Dear editor, Last summer several African grandmothers visited Canada. Their stories were sad and challenging. These strong faithful women have

Letters to the editor

The Anglican Journal welcomes letters to the editor. Preference is given to letters under 200 words. All letters are subject to editing for length, grammar

Featured letter: Everything is not settled

Dear editor, Re: You see the world in a different light (March Anglican Journal). This article showed to me the far-reaching effects of this time

Letters to the editor

ADR work is about ‘wholeness and brokenness’ Dear editor, I am writing in response to Bernice Logan, (Tell the world, December letters). With a team

Clergy malaise is due to unrealistic expectations of them

Dear editor,Your article on clergy dissatisfaction, discontent, almost despair, raises an important issue (Clergy struggling with identity and feelings of loneliness, exhaustion, December Journal). Although

Letters to the editor

Archbishop’s actions shake my loyalty to church Dear editor, As Archbishop Terence Finlay hoped (Archbishop weds lesbian couple, November Anglican Journal), I have reflected carefully