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Letters to the Editor


Letters to the Editor

Vital issueDear editor, Your January editorial (Secrecy at CoGS seems a recurrent theme) raises a vital issue that not only darkens the procedure at CoGS,

Letters to the Editor

Headline prejudiced?Dear editor, As a 17-year old, I must say that I find the headline “Fire guts landmark; Church victim of teen mischief” (December 2001)

Men are also affected by war and violence

Dear editor, I was privileged to be the intercessor on Sunday, Oct. 14 and was invited to use the intercessions from the Anglican church, printed

Letters to the editor

Cariboo replies to GrayDear editor, This is a response to Hon. Herb Gray’s letter in the Nov. 2001 Journal, and is intended only to correct

The use of incense is an ancient tradition

Dear editor, The use of incense in worship is an ancient tradition. It represents many things, among them the biblical and visual idea of prayers

Letters to the editor

Ottawa not pushing Cariboo to bankruptcy: Herb GrayDear editor, I am writing in response to your editorial, Cariboo, 1914-2001 and the related article in the

Letters to the editor

Genoa role reflected PWRDF’s commitment to partnershipDear editor, I am writing in response to your editorial, “A pointless protest and a pointless death” (Sept. 2001)

Letters to the editor

Craig Travel repliesDear editor, I read with interest the letter by Jan Devries (May 2001 Journal) concerning the tours and cruises that Craig Travel offers

Letters to the editor

Church’s concerns taken seriouslyDear editor, I am writing about the article, “Church to be out of cash in 2001” by Solange De Santis in the

Letters to the editor

Reader objects to luxury toursDear editor, As a member of the Holy Trinity Anglican Church in London, Ontario, I receive the Anglican Journal. I appreciate

Letters to the editor

Use of military language can baffleDear editor, One had to smile reading in the February issue about the Salvation Army in legal limbo over the

Letters to the Editor

The abominable oyster Dear editor, P. Broadbent reminds us that “homosexuality is an abomination.” (No gay disciple, Jan., 2001.) According to my King James Version

Letters to the Editor

Expertise comes firstDear editor, Foster Carter, in his letter in the Dec. 2000 issue (Volunteer Lawyers), suggests that “our legal counsel” should step forward and

Letters to the Editor

Foundation sorryDear editor, Thank you for the coverage of the Anglican Foundation. We have served the Anglican Church throughout Canada with all of our strength.

Letters to the Editor

‘Wasteland of mediocrity’ is remembered with affectionDear editor, In my peripatetic retirement I seem to meet up with the Journal later every month. In the

Letter to the Editor

Defending the cup Dear editor, I read with much interest the article New Report Asserts Common Cup Is Safe. In defense of the cup being