Kristin Jenkins



We are family

Editor Kristin Jenkins and Charlie, the Anglican Journal mascot. Happy 135th birthday, AJ! 
I love birthdays, don’t you? 
I learned from Nana, my maternal grandmother,

Goodbye, dear June

JUNE FAULKNER In addition to her charm and intelligence, June was blessed with a superb sense of humour and an uncanny ability to tell any

Don’t touch that dial!

Dr. Rachel Jordan’s clear, beautiful singing voice pierces the quiet. Startled, my head snaps up as a shiver runs down my spine. I thought we

Let’s focus on the positive

I’m either a slow learner or a quick study, depending on your point of view. I say this because I’ve finally learned how the expression-What

Igniting the passion

MONICA DAVIS IS just 24 years old and boy, did this young Anglican snag a dream job: “Happiness Ambassador” for the Vancouver 2010 Olympic torch

Sharing the experience of God

I HAVE A CONFESSION to make: I love change. Maybe you’ve guessed that already. On the other hand, I know that trying to do too

Six degrees of separation…or less

I THINK IT’S GOOD to get to know the neighbours, don’t you? They could be complete strangers you encounter on a busy street. Or they

Listening to the future

OH JOY! At Messy Church, children learn about the Bible while behaving like children. Parents are part of the experience, too. HOW MESSY IS your

What will it take to get us unstuck?

Before he left this office, Keith Knight expressed his dismay about the bureaucracy that dominates our reporting (see View from a Loft). In so doing,

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