David Harris

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Appeal a chance to correct doubtful decisions

DECISIONS CAN be difficult when they involve competing priorities. The officers of General Synod have decided to appeal the first residential schools case involving the

Priest forecasts church’s demise

A Toronto-area priest says God has withdrawn his blessing from the Anglican Church, particularly because of its dalliance with homosexuality, and is letting it kill

Appeal vital to giving readers best coverage

Each year, the Anglican Journal asks readers to support the paper with a special contribution. Although some portion of readers’ regular Sunday contributions to their

‘Religious right’ owns church’s future

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is “powerfully alive” in the Anglican Communion, but “liberalism … is dead.” That’s the blunt assessment of Bishop Michael Ingham

Lay presidency issue heats up

The Diocese of Sydney, Australia’s largest, is expected to vote in favour of lay presidency at its October synod, setting up one of the main

Bishops agree to respect boundaries

Canterbury Bishops should respect the boundaries of dioceses and especially provinces (usually meaning national churches), most Anglican bishops agree. Archbishop Michael Peers opened debate on

Problems pale in comparison

Canterbury “We think we have problems in Canada – we don’t have problems,” said Bishop Charlie Arthurson with a wry smile. “Listening to (African) bishops

Women bishops warmly welcomed

Canterbury One of the great ironies of Lambeth 1998 is that the supposed stumbling block of women bishops failed to materialize. Right up to the

Lambeth analysis

WHAT HAPPENED at Lambeth? More to the point, what was the vote on sexuality all about? Why was it even on the agenda? And what

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