Appeal vital to giving readers best coverage

Published September 1, 1999

Each year, the Anglican Journal asks readers to support the paper with a special contribution.

Although some portion of readers’ regular Sunday contributions to their church are used to finance the Journal, the various demands on those funds means dioceses – and thus the national church – cannot entirely fund the shortfall between advertising and other commercial revenue and the cost of producing the paper.

Your support is crucial and much appreciated. It also helps support your diocesan newspaper. With the exception of the Diocese of British Columbia, which lets us keep all the money we raise there, we split what we receive from you with the dioceses on an even basis.

This year, you will find appeal envelopes in your September Journal in all dioceses except Toronto, where envelopes will be enclosed in the October issue. No envelopes will be enclosed in papers going to the Newfoundland dioceses or the dioceses of Rupert’s Land and New Westminster.

The Journal is your window on the life of the Anglican Church in Canada and around the world. Our writing, pictures, editorials – and your letters to the editor – have won praise and awards from church people and journalists around the world.

The Anglican Church itself has been praised for its courage in publishing a paper that has an independent editorial policy.

We hope you agree.

Should an envelope be missing from your paper, you may send contributions to:

Anglican Journal

attn: Larry Gee, 600 Jarvis St.

Toronto ON M4Y 2J6.

Thank you for your support.


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