Anglican Journal Staff


New ACW president

Marion Saunders, a member of the parish of Newcastle in the diocese of Toronto, has been elected president of the Anglican Church Women (ACW) of

Journal sees second best appeal ever

The Anglican Journal’s annual fundraising appeal raised its second-highest total in 2007, $565,929, said Larry Gee, the Journal’s business manager. Nearly 15,000 donors responded to

Hockey dad and volunteer receive highest honour

Two Anglicans – Walter Gretzky and Irene Pfeiffer – recently joined the distinguished list of people awarded with the Order of Canada, the country’s highest

Paul Ken Imai

Canon Paul Ken Imai, a Japanese Anglican priest who was imprisoned during the Second World War and ministered to Japanese Canadians who were experiencing the

New Kairos chair

Cheryl Curtis, executive director of the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund, the Anglican Church of Canada’s relief and development agency, has been appointed chair

Heritage goes online

The preservation of three centuries of historical church records from St. Paul’s church, Halifax, is now guaranteed and the records can be accessed online –

Unceasing prayer is centenary theme

“Pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17) is the scriptural theme for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, which Canadian churches will celebrate on Jan.

Matthews accepts college position

Bishop Victoria Matthews, who resigned as the diocesan bishop of Edmonton effective Nov. 30, has accepted the position of bishop-in-residence at Wycliffe College, in the

Council evaluates youth ministry

Mississauga, Ont. “What is the commitment of the national church towards supporting and sustaining ongoing youth initiatives and intentional youth ministries? What is the clearest

Sharing with Lutherans

Anglicans and Lutherans have pledged to work more closely in many areas of mission and ministry, including addressing “matters of human need and global concerns,”

Education plan members will see refunds

Mississauga, Ont. Members of the General Synod’s Continuing Education Plan (CEP) will see refunds of their existing contributions due to changes made to comply with

Anglicans commemorate scourge of HIV/AIDS

Canadian Anglicans marked World AIDS Day, Dec. 1, in a variety of ways that called attention to the immune-deficiency disease, raised funds for those living

How can we help you?

Anglicans in the diocese of Saskatchewan have begun to visit non-churchgoers in their communities to ask how their local church can serve them better. The

Journal seeking images ‘from the heart’

A retiring priest whose joy “radiated out” to his congregation as he is surrounded with balloons, a child happily jumping in a water park showing

Journal seeking ‘images from the heart’

Members of Milton (Ont.) Christian Churches Working Together participate in a nativity scene from the Christmas pageant, On The Way to Bethlehem, performed annually in

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