André Forget


  • Tali Folkins

    Tali Folkins joined the Anglican Journal in 2015 as staff writer, and has served as editor since October 2021. He has worked as a staff reporter for Law Times and the New Brunswick Telegraph-Journal. His freelance writing credits include work for newspapers and magazines including The Globe and Mail and the former United Church Observer (now Broadview). He has a journalism degree from the University of King’s College and a master’s degree in Classics from Dalhousie University.

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  • André Forget

    André Forget was a staff writer for the Anglican Journal from 2014 to 2017.

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Archbishop Fred Hiltz introduces the members of the Primate's Council of Elders and Youth during a ceremony at General Synod 2016. Photo: Art Babych

Primate names Council of Elders and Youth members

In a ceremony introduced by Cree actor, activist and parliamentarian Tina Keeper, the Primate’s Council of Elders and Youth was officially commissioned before General Synod members Sunday, July 10.

"We should have love and compassion for someone who was victimized...that is still a victim, just like the Samaritan did," says Indigenous Spiritual Ministry of Mishamikoweesh Bishop Lydia Mamakwa in her sermon. Photo: Art Babych

General Synod celebrates Indigenous Eucharist

The scent of sage and sweetgrass lingered in the cavernous Grand York Ballroom of the Sheraton Parkway Toronto North Hotel & Suites as members and guests of General Synod raised their voices to sing Reginald Heber’s classic hymn, “Holy, Holy, Holy.”

Archbishop Josiah Atkins Idowu-Fearon, secretary general of the Anglican Communion, addresses members of General Synod 2016. Photo: Art Babych

Sexuality not just an issue in the West, says Idowu-Fearon

When Archbishop Josiah Atkins Idowu-Fearon, secretary general of the Anglican Communion, addressed General Synod on July 9, he thanked the Anglican Church of Canada for its many contributions to the Communion. He did not indicate how Monday, July 11’s vote on whether to allow the solemnization of same-sex marriages would affect Canada’s place in the global Anglican body.

Bishop Griselda Delgado del Carpio addresses synod while Canon Stuart Pike, diocese of Niagara, prepares to translate. Photo: Art Babych

Cuban church continues to grow, says bishop

Despite the fact that the Episcopal diocese of Cuba has been in limbo for half a century, new signs of growth are sprouting up across the island nation, diocesan bishop Griselda Delgado del Carpio told the members of General Synod in her July 8 address.

By a vote of 159-54, General Synod members vote to suspend, for the duration of their meeting, a rule requiring a vote for or against a motion unless they have a material conflict of interest. Photo: Art Babych

Synod votes to allow abstentions

A motion to allow members of General Synod to abstain from voting, even if they do not have a conflict of interest, has raised questions

Archbishop Fred Hiltz sprinkles the gathering with holy water in a rite of blessing known as asperges, at the opening Eucharist of the 41st General Synod. Photo: Art Babych

General Synod opening worship confronts difficult questions

Standing before the broad wooden altar dominating the centre of the meeting hall, clothed in crimson vestments, the primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, delivered his sermon at the opening Eucharist of the 41st meeting of General Synod in a voice thick with emotion.

“It is important that the General Synod hears your voice-your heart, your mind, your passions, your vision for our church,” says Archbishop Fred Hiltz to youth delegates. Photo: Art Babych

Youth delegates quiz primate before synod

On the morning of July 7, Anglican youth delegates who had come from across Canada for the 41st General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada, were given the opportunity for a pre-synod question-and-answer session with Archbishop Fred Hiltz, primate of the Canadian Anglican church.

Youth delegates take part in a blanket exercise during a pre-General Synod orientation and ice-breaker. Photo: Art Babych

Youth delegates get special synod introduction

As General Synod staff and organizers made the final preparations for the opening of the 41st General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada, which meets here July 7-12, 21 youth delegates from across the country gathered in a small room in a quiet part of the Sheraton Parkway Toronto North Hotel & Suites to take part in a pre-synod orientation and ice-breaker.

Michelle Bull introduces Resolution C003 to amend the marriage canon. Photo: Art Babych

Resolution C003: The inside story

What is an aspiring minister to do when the authority of the church calls her to go against the dictates of her conscience?

Bishop of Saskatchewan Michael Hawkins and Bishop of Missinipi Adam Halkett at Sacred Circle in 2015. Photo: André Forget

We need each other’

The bishops of the diocese of Saskatchewan have said that even though they do not support changing the marriage canon to allow for the marriage of same-sex couples, they will work for unity regardless of the vote’s outcome.

Some of the 24 bishops and support staff pose for a group photo in Accra, Ghana, at the 7th Consultation of Anglican Bishops in Dialogue. Photo: Courtesy of Paul Feheley

Bishops’ consultation helps keep Communion together, says Hiltz

Seven years after the first Consultation of Anglican Bishops in Dialogue was held at the Anglican Communion offices in London, England, in 2010, a record 24 bishops-including four primates-came together in Accra, Ghana, from May 25-29 to learn about the unique contexts and challenges different parts of the African, North American and English churches are facing.

(L-R) National Indigenous Bishop Mark MacDonald, Primate Fred Hiltz and Bishop Bill Anderson at the Nisga’a apology ceremony. Photo: Jason Haggstrom

Primate’s travels focus on reconciliation, strengthening ties

In the months leading up to General Synod’s July 7-12 meeting, Archbishop Fred Hiltz, primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, has devoted much of his time to strengthening the Canadian church’s internal and ecumenical relationships at home and abroad.

Members of interfaith groups stage a solidarity rally to welcome Syrian refugees to Canada last November in Toronto. Photo: Arindambanerjee/Shutterstock

Co-ordinators struggle to stay atop wave of refugee sponsorships

Since the worldwide refugee crisis was catapulted into public consciousness 10 months ago, Canadian Anglicans have helped to resettle around 1,750 refugees, says Suzanne Rumsey, refugee co-ordinator for The Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF).

Members pray before the start of a session at General Synod 2010 in Halifax. File Photo: Art Babych/Anglican Journal

A General Synod explainer

From July 7-12, more than 250 Anglicans from across Canada will gather in Richmond Hill, Ont., for the 41st General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada.

Next month, the Anglican Church of Canada's General Synod will vote on a draft motion to change the church's law to allow for the marriage of same-sex couples. Photo: Jasmin Awad/Shutterstock

Arctic diocese says no to changing marriage canon

As the Anglican Church of Canada prepares for a controversial vote on whether or not to change its laws to allow for the marriage of same-sex couples, the diocese of the Arctic has sent a memorial to General Synod stating its commitment to maintaining the status quo.

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