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Vinegar Bible’ returns to Lunenburg

By Anglican Journal
Published October 1, 2008

“Vinegar Bible” was warmly received when it returned home to Lunenburg.

The “Vinegar Bible” was unveiled recently at St. John’s Anglican Church in Lunenburg, N.S.

Published in 1717, only a handful of this edition survive to this day.

The Bible achieved notoriety by inadvertently giving the chapter heading for Luke 20 as “The Parable of the Vinegar,” instead of “The Parable of the Vineyard.”

This Bible was first brought to Lunenburg by a missionary in the 1700s and later bought by a local politician.

The Bible found its way into the hands of Richard Luckett, librarian at Magdalene College in Cambridge, England.

Although its estimated worth is hundreds of thousands of dollars, Mr. Luckett just wanted $5,000 for it.

Nova Scotia Finance Minister Michael Baker, who represents Lunenburg, arranged for the province to pay the amount.

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