This centenarian is a key player

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The Canadian Church Calendar is a key fundraising vehicle for many churches. Augsburg Fortress Canada distributes the calendar on behalf of the Journal, and about 60,000 copies are published every year.

You should feel really good about buying the calendar through your diocese. By doing this, you support your local fundraising group as well as the Journal.

It’s a good-looking calendar (if we do say so ourselves!) and it has a vibrant history. Did you know that the calendar is more than 100 years old? The first edition was published in 1906 by the Missionary Society of the Church of England. In 1964 the Canadian Churchman, forerunner of the Anglican Journal, was chosen to manage production of the calendar, and for more than 40 years, the Anglican Church of Canada and the United Church of Canada produced the calendar together.

The 2011 calendar will feature Canadian Anglican church settings and be sold primarily by Anglican Church Woman groups across the country.


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