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There is goodness in the world’

By Letters to the Editor
Published December 1, 2007

We have a program called the Good Samaritan which links various churches in our community through outreach and social projects. It was developed to provide support to people who have slipped through the cracks of our social system. At Christmas time, various families contact me either because they are in need, or they want to share, and the two are brought together through members of the church.

We, as Christians, provide the living example of our Lord Jesus Christ and through our actions, especially at Christmas, bring to people the feeling of being loved and appreciated.

At Christmas, we provide packages of food, clothing and toys for the children who would otherwise not have them. To share one story, last Christmas, a father (unemployed) and his nine-year-old son who live in a small cabin were approached to see if they had needs for the holidays. But the father declined, saying there were other people who needed assistance more than they did. But after talking to the father alone, he was able to get beyond the issue of pride and accepted the offer. On Christmas Eve they received a package for a dinner – clothes and toys for the son, and a small gift for the father. The father fought back the tears. He was very thankful and I believe came to a realization that there is goodness in the world. His son goes to church on a fairly regular basis and is learning what it is to be a Christian.

As Christmas approaches, the number of families in need has risen due to plant closures and layoffs and we will be there to provide for their needs and to remind them of the greatest gift that was under their tree and has remained as yet unopened – the gift of Jesus Christ.

Derek Davis
Parish of Southern Trinity
Harrow and Colchester South
Diocese of Huron

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