The Anglican Consultative Council at a glance

Published April 1, 2005

The Anglican Consultative Council was established in 1969 after the 1968 Lambeth Conference (a once-per-decade international meeting of bishops) decided the church needed a more representative body that could meet more frequently. The council is one of the four “instruments of unity” that binds the Anglican Communion. Those instruments also include the Archbishop of Canterbury, the primates’ meeting and the Lambeth Conference.

Each of the 38 Anglican provinces (self-governing churches that may include one or more countries) sends up to three members representing lay, clergy and bishops. There are currently 76 members. The council meets every two or three years. There have been 12 meetings since 1969. It is not a legislative body but provides consultation and guidance on policy issues, such as world mission and ecumenism, for the Anglican Communion.

The council last met in Hong Kong in 2002 and its next meeting is scheduled for June in Nottingham, England. The Anglican Church of Canada’s representatives are Bishop Sue Moxley of Nova Scotia, Canon Allen Box and Stephen Toope. Mr. Toope, the lay delegate, was not scheduled to attend the Nottingham meeting but Suzanne Lawson was named as his alternate.


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