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Readers object to story

By Letters to the Editor
Published August 30, 2006

Dear editor,
Re: New Anglican Foundation director named (June issue). I read with dismay and sorrow the news item announcing the appointment of John Wright, Dean Emeritus of Christ Church Cathedral, Victoria, as the new director of the Anglican Foundation.
I do not understand why your staff writer felt it necessary to include the details of the disciplinary action that was taken against the dean by the diocese of British Columbia in 1999. A very painful time in the life of the dean and his family (and the cathedral family) has now re-surfaced in our national church paper. Shame on the Journal for this un-Christian, petty and unnecessary kind of reporting.
Canon Murray Ames


Dear editor,
Absolutely slanderous! That’s how we feel about your article on the appointment of Dean Wright as executive director of the Anglican Foundation. It was inappropriate to add anything more than his credentials for this new position.Many of his former parishioners have expressed shock at your tactless reporting. Where are your Christian ethics?
Jean and Rowlan Miller

No point

Dear editor,
I, among others, wonder what useful purpose it served to publish your last paragraph concerning the discipline of Dean Wright by the diocese. It is demeaning, embarrassing for him and his wife, Mary, and completely of no point in his present position. That happened seven years ago and surely he has paid the price for that long since.
Jane Poole
Brentwood Bay, B.C.


Dear editor,
I was disappointed and disgusted with the last paragraph of the article about the appointment of Dean John Wright to the position of Anglican Foundation director. This man recently semi-retired from the cathedral in Victoria and came to Nova Scotia to carry on his teachings in the rural communities until accepting the position as foundation director. I cannot help but think he is being targeted by some other “Christian” in this instance. I truly believe he needs an apology for this insensitive and useless article.
Jean Lucy
Bridgewater, N.S.

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