Dean Gregory Kerr-Wilson, 43, rector of All Saints’ Cathedral in Edmonton and dean of the diocese of Edmonton, was elected bishop of the Regina-based diocese of Qu’Appelle on Nov. 12.
An electoral synod held at St. Paul’s Cathedral in Regina, attended by 148 lay and clergy delegates, chose Dean Kerr-Wilson on the third ballot. Voting took about two hours and Dean James Merrett of Qu’Appelle, rector of St. Paul’s, came second in the balloting.
Dean Kerr-Wilson has served in Edmonton since 1998. During that time, he has also served as chief examining chaplain for the diocese, responsible for advising the bishop on vocations to ordained ministry. From June 2004 to January 2005, he was bishop’s commissary, responsible for overseeing the diocese, while Bishop Victoria Matthews was on sick leave. Working with those who discern a call to ministry, he has led several pre-ordination retreats.
Another interest of Dean Kerr-Wilson is liturgy. Before arriving in Edmonton, he worked in the diocese of Toronto, where he chaired the liturgy planning committee for the Archbishop of Canterbury’s visit in 1994 and was liturgical consultant for the Credit Valley area of the diocese. He was incumbent at Church of the Holy Family, Brampton, Ont., from 1991 to 1998, during which time the parish moved from being financially assisted to self-supporting. He also worked as assistant curate at St. Paul’s, Bloor Street, Toronto, from 1989 to 1991.
He earned a bachelor of applied science degree from the University of British Columbia in 1985 and an master of divinity degree from Nashotah House Episcopal Seminary in Milwaukee in 1989. He was ordained deacon in Toronto in 1989 and priested in 1990. Mr. Kerr-Wilson and his wife, Vicki, have three children, Jeremy, 16, Asha, 13 and Kyla, 11.