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Parish of St. Wal-Mart

By Letters to the Editor
Published May 1, 2012

The article describing the transformation of St. John the Evangelist parish in Thorold, Ont., saddens me no end. Long before we reach our parish in the centre of Winnipeg, we pass by a number of these “community” churches, which attract thousands with their massive shopping centre-style parking lots, bland big-box architecture, rock band music, projector screens and waving arms. Welcome to the Parish of St. Wal-Mart! My parish may attract only 150 souls on special occasions. However, it is precisely the character of a traditional Anglican church that keeps me going to Winnipeg’s Parish of St. Luke. My formal worship time takes me out of the contemporary world into a place that gives me a glimpse of the heavenly kingdom. These hours refresh my faith, restore my energy and uplift my soul.
Let’s leave Anglican churches to preserve the traditions that many of us still value so highly.

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