The group African Voices enters St. George’s Cathedral in Kingston, Ont., to sing as a prelude to a speech by Stephen Lewis, UN special envoy for AIDS. The diocese of Ontario raised $40,000, double its goal, for HIV/AIDS projects, including initiatives of the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund.
The diocese of Ontario has raised more than $40,000, or more than double its goal of $20,000, for HIV/AIDS projects.
In September, the diocese hosted two events featuring Stephen Lewis, the United Nations special envoy for AIDS in Africa; both were sold out.
“The numbers aren’t all in, but as of Sept. 26, we have taken in more than $40,000, primarily in ticket sales, although we also raised about $10,000 in sponsorships,” the diocese reported on its Web site. “Several parishes (North Hastings, Loughborough, Marysburgh, Kente, Christ Church Gananoque and St. Thomas Kingston) did a fantastic job in promoting the coin challenge, sending in several hundred dollars each. In one parish, a four-year-old girl raised $100.”
Money raised will be split between Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund and the Stephen Lewis Foundation.