New formula alters contributions

By Michael McAteer
Published September 1, 1998

Dioceses will start giving to the national church based on their total diocesan income rather than total parish income as they have done until now, according to a proposal adopted by General Synod.

Synod was told the intent is neither to increase nor to decrease the total revenue for the national church from the diocese, but to more fairly apportion the contributions across the dioceses. It’s the same size pie with different-sized slices, says national church treasurer Jim Cullen.

The proposal reappraises how to fund the church’s national and international work, he said. “It’s not the first time and will not be the last,” he said. “It is timely and necessary.”

A gradual implementation is part of the proposal with a built-in capacity to monitor and adjust during the five-year transition period.

Dioceses below the new proportional giving level are expected to plan for attaining the new level. Dioceses currently giving above the suggested proportion will be asked to maintain their current level of contribution during the transition period of five years.

Prior to implementation, and in collaboration with dioceses, a study will be undertaken to determine the elements to be included in diocesan revenue for the purpose of proportional giving.

A standardized form will be developed for reporting of diocesan revenue.

According to figures provided at synod, of the richest dioceses, Toronto and Niagara will be expected to come up with substantially more money whereas Huron and New Westminster will be getting a break. With respect to the next wealthiest, East Newfoundland, Nova Scotia and Fredericton will have to provide more money, while Ottawa, Ontario, British Columbia, Montreal, Calgary and Algoma will pay less.

In the next grouping, Quebec, Edmonton, Arctic, West Newfoundland, Central Newfoundland and Kootenay will all have to dig a little deeper; Rupert’s Land and Qu’Appelle get a break. Finally, Moosonee, Saskatchewan, Yukon and Keewatin will have to come up with a little more money while Caledonia, Brandon, Saskatoon, Cariboo and Athabasca will be asked for less.

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