Members of Council of General Synod

Published June 1, 2004


Primate: Archbishop Andrew Hutchison

Prolocutor: Dean Peter Elliott

Deputy Prolocutor: Peter Irish

Chancellor: Ronald Stevenson

General Secretary: Archdeacon Jim Boyles

Ecclesiastical Province of BC and Yukon

Bishop Michael Ingham, New Westminster

Emily Pollock, Kootenay

Karen Rinehart-Pidcock, Kootenay

Dorothy Smith, Caledonia

Canon John Steele, British Columbia

Don Thompson, Yukon

Archdeacon Peter Zimmer, Cariboo

Ecclesiastical Province of Canada

Bishop Percy Coffin, Western Newfoundland

Archdeacon Dennis Drainville, Quebec

Shara Golden, Fredericton

Margaret Jenniex, Central Newfoundland

Melissa Kane, Nova Scotia and PEI

Bishop Susan Moxley, Nova Scotia and PEI

Archdeacon Cyrus Pitman, Eastern Nfld and Labrador

Clarence Randell, Eastern Nfld and Labrador

Susan Winn, Montreal

Ecclesiastical Province of Ontario

Bishop Robert Bennett, Huron

Judy Darling, Ottawa

Dorothy Davies-Flindall, Ontario

Archdeacon Susan DeGruchy, Algoma

Canon Robert Falby, Toronto

Bishop Caleb Lawrence, Moosonee

Betty Livingston, Huron

Meghan Nicholls, Huron

Dean Peter Wall, Niagara

Ecclesiastical Province of Rupert’s Land

Bishop Rodney Andrews, Saskatoon

Shelagh Balfour, Rupert’s Land

Archdeacon Larry Beardy, Keewatin

Archbishop John Clarke, Athabasca

Marilyn Dean, Qu’Appelle

John Hareuther, Saskatchewan

Angie Kubluitok, Arctic

Sheba McKay, Keewatin

Peter Monk, Edmonton

Rev. Nigel Packwood, Brandon

Rev. James Robinson, Calgary


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