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Making a simple Christmas a reality

By Letters to the Editor
Published February 1, 2006

Dear editor,
Thank you for your December article, Dreaming of a simple Christmas. It really struck a chord with me. A simpler, less commercialized Christmas is not only more in tune with the message of Jesus, it also eases our demands on the environment. Here is one more gift idea that is much easier than the documentary idea you suggest. My in-laws are in their 80s, and neither wants nor needs any more “stuff.” So every Christmas I assemble 12 photos taken throughout the year, take them in to a major photo supply company, and they make a calendar featuring those photos. My in-laws treasure that calendar; it is a gift with deep meaning. Murray MacAdam
Social Justice and Advocacy Consultant
Diocese of Toronto Editor’s note: Do you have an idea for a simple Christmas gift? A book of your favourite recipes for the next generation? Coupons or vouchers for snow shovelling? Please send in your ideas by mail or e-mail to and we will feature the best in our December issue this year

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