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Make no mistake

By Letters to the Editor
Published May 1, 2012

I read with considerable interest how cross-denominational relationship-building has resulted in the apparent rejuvenation of the parish church of St. John the Evangelist. What has apparently been a good initiative in Thorold, Ont., should not be mistaken for the newest template for ensuring parish church vitality. Such cross-denominational relationships can flow in both directions, with leaders from Anabaptist and free church traditions turning to their more liturgical colleagues for support. We sometimes take for granted the depth and richness of the liturgical and spiritual traditions of the Christian faith. We need look no further than the example set by tens of thousands of young people who each year make a pilgrimage to the Taize community in France to pray with monks. Why? Because of a deep desire to experience life with a community that anchors itself in rich liturgical worship and a lived spirituality. We not only have much to learn, we have much to share.

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