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Letters to the editor

By Letters to the Editor
Published November 1, 2010

Pull wool from our eyes, please

Since 2002, vast changes in theological perspective and doctrinal leanings have changed the fabric of the Anglican church. These views on scripture-coinciding with current trends in an increasingly liberal post-modern Canada-are leaving the average parishioner confused. Parish priests need to make their congregations aware that there is a moral debate going on over scripture. Jeremy Parsons
Colchester, Ont.

Most pressing problem

It is terrific to see Anglicans such as Lynn McDonald urging the full engagement of the church in fighting global climate change (Green your life, Oct. 2010, p.1). In fact, the Anglican Church of Canada and :The Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF) are both actively engaged in climate justice education and advocacy through their memberships in KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives ( Through KAIROS, Anglicans have learned about the impact of climate through face-to-face connections with partners from the global south and have engaged in the KyotoPLUS campaign for a binding, science-based approach to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. At the Climate Action Network, KAIROS represents the ecumenical consensus of which Anglicans are a part. So, while we must continue to challenge ourselves and our institutions to resist complacency and the search for simple solutions to complex problems, Anglicans can be sure that their national church is, in fact, concerned and active on this most pressing problem of our time. Sara Stratton

How can we help?

In The dreaded knock (Sept. 2010, p. 5), I think you have presented too negative a view of what our people in the Canadian Armed Forces are doing. I believe our Canadian Forces are doing a lot of humanitarian relief work both at home (Hurricane Igor) and around the world. On a recent trip to Central and South America, my son was among navy personnel who helped build roads and repair schools and just generally help out wherever they docked in their drug interdiction deployment. His ship was also raising money for school and building supplies. The article Religious leaders blow whistle on climate change (p.1) was disappointing in that it did not mention other aspects of this June 2010 meeting of world religious leaders in Winnipeg. When I printed out their final statement to the G8/G20 leaders, I noted this line among others: “…educate girl children to high school level as one of the most effective development interventions.” The Taliban will not allow girls to be educated, but our Canadian soldiers are fighting against such injustice and tyranny. What can we do to help?Adela Torchia
Powell River, B.C.

Naive and distorted

I would voice strong objection to the article Green your life (Oct. 2010, p. 1). That we should focus on so-called greenhouse gas emissions as a panacea for all of humankind’s impact to our planet is naive and distorted. Better we focus our energies on optimal, efficient use of God’s bounty for the betterment of all rather than the politically rife debate over who/what causes climate change.Ivan Hall
St. Albert, Alta.

About those bishops

Now that the U.S. Episcopalian church has consecrated a second homosexual bishop, can we hope our House of Bishops will clearly distinguish Canadian Anglicanism from U.S. Anglicanism?Bishops committed to a specific cause are limited. They use the office to promote the cause of one constituency in the church. They are not able to minister to members of other constituencies. Neither are they free in their minds, free to think for the good of the whole church. Jesus said: “No one can serve two Masters…” (Matt. 6.24). It follows, an activist bishop cannot serve two theologies, or two causes, at the same time.David Kellet

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