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Letters to the Editor

By Letters to the Editor
Published December 1, 2009

The Anglican Journal welcomes letters to the editor. Preference is given to letters under 100 words. All letters are subject to editing for length, grammar and clarity. Please include a mailing address.

RCs welcome

We should, of course, continue to cooperate with the Roman Catholic Church, especially in our pastoral response. We should continue to celebrate our diversity, inclusion and comprehensiveness, our catholic faith, liturgy and governance, and our evangelical faith and love. However, we should be clear that we are Catholic but not Roman, and continue to chart our own course where the Spirit leads us.

In public pronouncements on this issue, we should also make it clear that Roman Catholics who are dissatisfied with the inadequate response of the Roman See on contemporary issues are welcome to try out the Anglican Church as a communion in which to express their baptismal identity.

Stewart Fletcher

Clarification please

Re: What do you think of the Vatican’s invitation to disaffected Anglicans? (Anglican Journal website)

The apostolic constitution was made in response to requests of groups of Anglicans who are not part of the Anglican Communion to join the Roman Catholic Church. Thus the use of the term Anglican is problematic for those of us in communion with the See of Canterbury. Married Anglican priests will not retain their status. They would be received as lay persons and could be ordained to the priesthood as a Roman Catholic, if they are male.

John Alfred Steele
Victoria, B.C.

Pope Benedict’s ploy

I am aghast at all the goodwill and public support by the Archbishop of Canterbury. Why would we provide legitimacy to an effort to provide comfort to Anglicans being drawn into an organization that is anything but inclusive and justice-oriented?

Henry Clarke

Excellent Evensong

I was pleased to see the letter extolling the virtues of Evensong and the excellent BBC weekly broadcasts. One of the joys of making music here at Christ Church Cathedral, Montreal, is that in addition to our Choral Eucharist, we sing fully choral Evensong every Sunday at 4 p.m. (Eastern time).

The service is broadcast live throughout Quebec on a local FM station, and is also streamed live on the Internet; we have reliable evidence that many people hear us weekly, throughout Canada and abroad. One has simply to go to the Cathedral site ( and follow the links. You will also find our excellent music pages there which give details of all our repertoire.

Patrick Wedd

Common sense prevails

After receiving the Journal for many years, finally common sense has prevailed. Your [September] editorial was excellent and we must move on. The article [which interviewed the Rev.] Gary Nicolosi was the best in all these years. His statement, “Mission culture is not in Africa, but outside our own front door.” How true! We must look after our own first. The same-sex partner debate has destroyed our church and will continue to do so. It’s time to wake up and put this church back together. Those with same-sex partners are people too and we should stop judging them.

I am 70 years old, and [with time] the world becomes less black and white. Same should be of church doctrine.

Nancy Knorr
Saint John, N.B.

Faithful servant

When we joined St. Peter’s Anglican Church, Oshawa, in 1967, the Rev. Geoffrey Rennison was priest-in-charge and his wife, May, was organist and choir mistress. For more than 35 years, May devoted herself to the music program at St. Peter’s. She worked diligently at providing music appropriate for each season of the church year. She played for special services, weddings and funerals, and also supported the work of the various groups of the church. She was still playing the organ, directing the choir, living in her own home and driving her own car the week before she died in June of this year.

Our family lost a very special friend, and the Anglican Church lost a good and faithful servant.

Clarence Cameron
Seagrave, Ont.

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