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Interfaith fundraiser

By Anglican Journal
Published March 1, 2008

Christians and Muslims in Winnipeg have launched a joint fundraiser to help an Anglican church in Mayungwe, Uganda, build a clinic for the area.

Dubbed “Africa Night,” the fundraiser scheduled for March 8 at St. James’ Civic Centre came about when Pat Stewart, a member of St. James’ Anglican church, Assiniboia, visited her parish’s partner, St. Peter’s Mayungwe last year and returned with a request for assistance.

While St. Peter’s made a commitment to bake the bricks for the walls, it needed funds to build a concrete floor, tin roof and timber frames for windows.

A request for funds was made to Muslims and Anglicans in Uganda and Ms. Stewart did the same in Winnipeg. She contacted her parish’s Mother’s Union chapter and Shahina Siddiqui, president of the Islamic Social Services Association. The Student Christian Union at the University of Winnipeg and the Muslim student association also helped to organize the dinner fundraiser.  

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