Huron set to mark 150th anniversary

Published November 1, 2006

On Oct. 28, 2007, exactly 150 years to the day that Benjamin Cronyn was consecrated as the first synodically-elected bishop in the Anglican world, Anglicans from the diocese of Huron will gather for worship in the John Labatt Centre, in downtown London, Ont., to celebrate the diocese’s sesquicentennial.

Around 10,000 Anglicans are expected to attend the celebration.

One of the first events to kick off the sesquicentennial is the launch Dec. 8 of the DVD production entitled Huron, Our Story, which will include a re-enactment of the election of Bishop Cronyn. “Our diocese set the pattern that has become part of the worldwide Anglican Communion in how it selects its bishops and yes, it all started here in Huron,” said Rev. Nick Wells, who helped plan the project.

Other anniversary projects planned include a diocesan children’s festival, a picture book of all churches in the diocese, a Pilgrimage of the Cross, a Thanksgiving service at Her Majesty’s Royal Chapel of the Mohawks, and an academic conference at Huron University College. For more information, visit the diocese of Huron Web site,


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