Huron makes gift

Published March 1, 2008

The diocese of Huron has donated $200,000 to support the work of Letting Down the Nets, a national stewardship program which will evolve into a development office designed to co-ordinate all financial development activities of the Anglican Church of Canada and its partner agencies.

The treasurer of General Synod, the church’s national office, said the donation frees up money from the church’s budget that would otherwise have been loaned to help fund the program. At its fall 2007 meeting, the Council of General Synod approved the allotment of $220,000 from the 2008 budget to support the establishment of the development office no later than January 2009.

“We decided to give the money as an outright grant,” the bishop of Huron, Bruce Howe, said in a news story posted on “We’re not always in a position to do that, but we believe very deeply in the national church and we are family.”


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