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Heard around the world

By Anglican Journal
Published October 28, 2009

The Green Team at St. Paul’s Anglican Church in Uxbridge, Ont. rang their church bell 350 times as part of the climate change campaign on Oct. 24.

The Green Team at St. Paul’s Anglican Church in Uxbridge, Ont. rang their church bell 350 times as part of the climate change campaign on Oct. 24.

The team was part of an international demonstration involving 182 nations. The goal: send a message to world leaders about the need for action on global warming.

“CO2 in the atmosphere has to be reduced to less than 350 parts per million and quickly, if we are to save many life forms on this planet, including ourselves,” said the team in a press release issued today. “The holy spirit was working throughout the world this past weekend, we won’t fail.”

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