Fredericton elects Miller as bishop

Published April 1, 2003


Archdeacon Claude Miller, 58, was elected co-adjutor bishop of the diocese of Fredericton from a field of 13 candidates at an electoral synod on March 15.

Archdeacon Miller will be consecrated as the ninth bishop of the diocese on June 24 and will succeed Bishop William Hockin when he retires in late October.

Archdeacon Miller was the leading votegetter from the first ballot onward, but it took nine ballots to elect him. The final three ballots had only three names: Archdeacon Miller, Archdeacon John Sharpe, rector of Christ Church (Parish) Church (where the election took place); and Dean Keith Joyce, rector of Christ Church Cathedral.

Ordained in 1988, the New Brunswick-born Archdeacon Miller has been Bishop Hockin’s executive assistant since 2000. Prior to his ordination, Archdeacon Miller worked in civil engineering, real estate appraisal, development, property management and municipal planning. He and his wife Sharon have two daughters.


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