Executive archdeacon elected as Calgary bishop

By Anglican Journal
Published August 30, 2006


Archdeacon Derek Hoskin, the incumbent of St. Leonard’s on the Hill, Red Deer and St. Paul Hillsdown, Alta. was elected the eighth bishop of the diocese of Calgary at a synod held June 24.

It took only two ballots to elect Archdeacon Hoskin from a slate of eight candidates in the much-awaited election. The diocese had been without a bishop since August 2005, following the resignation of Bishop Barry Hollowell, whose leadership had been in turmoil following his decision to order the closure of three inner city churches and to strip the downtown Church of the Redeemer of its cathedral designation. He had also indicated in his letter of resignation  that he felt he had been personally blamed for decisions made with regards to the diocese’s challenges, including native residential school litigation and limited parish resources, which led to the church closures

In the absence of a diocesan bishop, Archdeacon Hoskin had acted as Calgary’s diocesan administrator.

A graduate of Wycliffe College, Toronto, Archdeacon Hoskin has served in the parishes of Lethbridge, Fort Macleod, and Brocket, Alta. Ordained a priest in 1973, bishop-elect Hoskin received a licentiate in theology from Wycliffe in 1972; he also pursued theological studies at Lincoln Theological College, England, from 1972-1973.

His consecration will take place Sept. 29, in the Cathedral Church of the Redeemer.

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