Elected members of standing committees

By Anglican Journal
Published June 1, 2004

Communications and Information Resources

Dorothy Davies-Flindall, Ontario

LCol Rev. Canon John Fletcher, Canadian Forces

Mel Malton, Algoma

Sheba McKay, Keewatin

Tanya Moxley, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island

Rev. Rob Towler, Huron


Ethel Ahenakew, Saskatoon

Rev. Kevin Arndt, British Columbia

Rev. Ken Gray, Kootenay

Rev. Peter John Hobbs, Ottawa

Bishop Susan Moxley, Nova Scotia and PEI

Rev. Barbara Nangle, Moosonee

Robyn Thompson, Edmonton

Catherine Torraville, Central Newfoundland

Financial Management and Development

Dr. David Daniel, Montreal

Judy Darling, Ottawa

Canon Geoffrey Jackson, Ontario

Suzanne Lawson, Toronto

Betty Livingston, Huron

Bishop Claude Miller, Fredericton

Rev. David Torraville, Central Newfoundland

Faith, Worship and Ministry

Canon Jonas Allooloo, Arctic

Bishop George Bruce, Ontario

Canon Tim Connor, Huron

Mary Dove, Central Interior

Archdeacon Jennifer Gosse, Eastern Nfld and Labrador

Rev. Richard LeSueur, Calgary

Emily Pollock, Kootenay

Canon Pierre Voyer, Quebec

Dean Peter Wall, Niagara


Jamie Cochran, Nova Scotia and PEI

Archdeacon Ronald Harrison, New Westminster

Stephen Koning, Calgary

Dean Michael Rolph, Athabasca

Bishop Ann Tottenham, Toronto

Bishop Donald Young, Central Newfoundland

Partners in Mission

Elizabeth Beardy, Keewatin

Bishop Peter Coffin, Ottawa

Julia Davies, Saskatoon

Captain Rob Marsh, Fredericton

Canon Godfrey Mawejje, Rupert’s Land

Rev. Dr. Gregory McVeigh, Montreal

Canon Dr. Linda Nicholls, Toronto

Rev. Nigel Packwood, Brandon

Rev. Sandra Sugden, Central Interior

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