Editor’s note

Published September 1, 2004

Essentials, a coalition of conservative Anglican groups, was scheduled to hold a conference in Ottawa at the end of last month. Participants were required to sign a declaration of faith that included the phrase ?adultery, fornication and homosexual unions are intimacies contrary to God’s design.? They were also asked to sign a ?statement of repudiation and disassociation from the actions of the General Synod.? The meeting was closed to media and observers who did not wish to sign the declaration and statement. The decision was made ?so anyone can express themselves and can feel safe and so there is editorial control. We are trying to create an environment where people can express themselves without being quoted,? said conference organizer Doug McKenzie. Canon Charlie Masters, another organizer, later suggested that media who signed the declaration and statement would be permitted to attend the conference. Anglican Journal , which has covered every major meeting of Essentials since 1994, finds these conditions unreasonable and plans not to cover the conference.


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