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Donations are ‘our thanks to God’

By Letters to the Editor
Published June 1, 2006

Editor’s Note: In our April issue, we asked readers how they would like their donations to the church to be acknowledged. A representative sample of the responses follows.

When we consider that our “thank you” for our stewardship is the promise of great rewards in heaven, charitable tax receipts should be sufficient acknowledgment!

Our tithes and donations are our thanks to God for all he has given us, returned to him, as our chance to help further his work. Why waste the Lord’s money on paper, postage, gifts, and the clerical time involved, when the worldwide need is greater?
Norma Cramp
Meaford, Ont.

Generally, faithful Anglicans surely need not require any kudos, other than an income tax receipt, regular quarterly financial updates with respect to budget position and punctual notice of any special needs like shortfalls or unforeseen events. If we have to be coaxed with material rewards to give and attend, it is time to close the doors, as we will have truly lost our way. As a parish member, thanks are always advisable and welcome, but surely not a “raison d’etre.”
David Evans
London, Ont.

When the church sends a receipt for any donation, a simple “Thank you for your contribution” would be appreciated. By giving out pens and other items, money has to be spent for these, so is that where “my” money goes? Every person must be treated in the same way, whether you are King Midas or the poor widow.
Lola Grimes
Nipigon, Ont.

Hopefully each person gives to the level of their ability. In most cases a tax credit receipt satisfies. I do not think the church should follow the lead of the Public Broadcasting System, or on-air funding drives. The so-called gifts offered are not gifts at all as the price of such things, in the end, comes out of the giving. Could the church devise an acknowledgment of its own, perhaps a framed certificate?
Jim Dubbin
Markham, Ont.

I do not want a gift! I simply want to help! It may be that someone is donating the gifts that charities use in their appeals, and in that case I would rather see the donor make a hefty donation to the cause instead of supplying gifts. My preference would be for donors to be acknowledged with a simple thank-you card as soon as the donation is received, which is particularly important if the donation has been sent in memory of someone who has died. At some point, donors might appreciate receiving small brochures reporting on how donations are helping the cause they have supported.
Lois Hutchison

My heart is overflowing with gratitude for health, safety, abundance, work, beauty and love. I desire to express this gratitude, in part, by giving discreetly but generously from the plenteous resources bestowed on me: time, energy, money. It is my delight and privilege to share freely. It is my thank-you note. All I ask from the receiving agency is a high standard of accountability and a year-end receipt for income tax purposes. As I give to projects and funds, which have already earned my trust, I do not need newsletters or mail-out campaigns. If I needed some information, I would ask.
Hannah Main-van der Kamp

Donors should not expect a personalized thank you from their church. You are giving because you want to. A simple tax receipt is sufficient.

Everyone’s donation should mean the same; the era of a donor’s name appearing on a brass plaque or a pew is gone.

The church should not operate by fundraising, draws or raffles, but rather by tithing. This is not by order of the priest, or the bishop, or the diocese, it is actually the written word of God. “Each one must do as he (she) has made up his (her) mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Cor. 9:7).
Karen Kerr
Lisle, Ont.

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