Delegates urged to ‘go jolly’ as they disperse to Jamaican communities

Published May 10, 2009

ACC delegates in Kingston, Jamaica

Kingston, Jamaica
“Go jolly. Listen attentively. Receive graciously. Give enthusiastically.”

With these words from a member of the organizing committee, some delegates of the 14th Anglican Consultative Council (ACC) left May 9 and others May 10 for “mission encounters,” a day of engaging with local Anglicans from the diocese of Jamaica and Cayman Islands.

An information sheet provided to delegates explained that any large Anglican Communion gathering gives a unique opportunity for visitors to engage with their hosts, offering new understandings of what it means to be a Communion for the hosts and visitors. “At the 2008 Lambeth Conference this engagement, through the Hospitality Initiative, offered new understandings of what it means to be a Communion for the hosts and visitors alike,” explained the briefing. “During the ACC meeting in Jamaica there will be a similar opportunity for an encounter between those attending and the members of the Anglican congregations across the island.”

The encounters in Jamaica were meant to explore “the challenges we face as we respond to the call to be involved in God’s mission.”

During these encounters, some delegates will be asked to take part in the service, while others will sit with members of the local congregation. After the service and lunch, there will be an opportunity for visiting Anglicans to hear about the “joys and difficulties” in mission experienced by their local hosts.

“This is an opportunity for you to offer a challenge and be challenged by them,” said Stephen Lyon, who co-ordinated the Lambeth 2008 Hospitality Initiative and who has worked with local organizers here to do the same. “This is an opportunity for you to give something back to members of this diocese, who have been extremely generous to us.”

The Canadian delegation will go to three different venues.

On Monday, May 11, delegates will be divided into discussion groups to reflect on their experiences, and they will be joined by local Jamaican Anglican hosts.


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