C.S. Lewis and Narnia

Published January 1, 2006

The arrival of the first major movie production of The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe has prompted dozens of new books and media resources to join an already large collection. Here are a few of the best (all prices in Canadian currency). The Chronicles of Narnia (seven-book series)
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (Book Two);

HarperCollins: Toronto, 2005. Paper. $14.50 ea. $40.00 set.There is no substitute for reading the book, and the entire Narnia series, as a companion experience to viewing the movie itself. The Chronicles of Narnia
(Harper Children’s Audio, Unabridged Version, 31CDs) Harper Audio: Toronto, 2001. $106.50.Enjoy 31 hours of readings by Michael York, Lynn Redgrave and others who appeal to your aural sense with appreciation for the beauty of the written word. The Narnian
The Life and Imagination of C.S. Lewis

by Alan Jacobs
Harper San Francisco: Toronto, 2005. Hardcover. $34.95.Jacobs expertly weaves themes of Lewis’ entire literary genre – particularly Narnia – with biography, integrating writings and life story. The Way into Narnia
A Reader’s Guide

by Peter J. Schakel
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co: Grand Rapids, Mich. 2005. Paper cover. $19.00.The best way to enter Narnia is to read the Chronicles as fairy tales. The author walks the reader through each book and concludes with helpful explanations of difficult passages. Into the Wardrobe
C.S. Lewis and the Narnia Chronicles

by David Downing
Wiley Canada: Toronto, 2005. Hardcover. $25.99.The author describes how each Narnia story came into being, referring to the medieval and Renaissance literary allusions that crop up throughout the Chronicles. Seeking the Secret Place
The Spiritual Formation of C. S. Lewis

by Lyle Dorsett

Brazos Press: Grand Rapids, Mich. Paperback 2004. $17.50.Dorsett traces the growth and maturing of Lewis’ spiritual development for those interested in his devotional life and ministry. Shadowlands, (1993) DVD. Richard Attenborough directs Anthony Hopkins and Debra Winger in a beautiful movie of autumn love shared by Lewis and Joy Gresham.


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