Couple to lead marriage course

Published September 1, 2004

Nicky and Sila Lee of Holy Trinity Brompton church in London , England (home of the Alpha course), are leading four marriage conferences in St. John’s , Toronto , Calgary and Vancouver from October 20-25.

The conferences will train leaders to run the newly developed marriage course and marriage preparation course, which are designed to help couples improve their relationships.

The course is based on Christian principles but is open to anyone who would like to improve their marriages.

The Lees have led a series of video talks during various marriage conferences dealing with subjects like resolving conflict, the art of communication, good sex and parents and in-laws.

For more information, contact Elaine Young, Atlantic regional director, at (709) 753-3527, or e-mail at [email protected] or visit:

Meanwhile, introductory dinners for the popular Alpha course are scheduled Sept. 19-25 across Canada , to be hosted either by a group of churches or a single church.

A massive information campaign entitled ?An invitation to explore the meaning of life,? was held during the summer, which included a $1 million campaign of billboard and transit shelter advertising launched June 28.

For more information, call Alpha Canada at 1-800-743-0899 or visit their Web sites, and


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