Correction: The little trailer that could (the sequel)

Published April 1, 2011

The St. John’s trailer church on the First Nations reserve in Grand Rapids, Man. (The little trailer church that could, March), is a replacement for a new building that was not completed before a fire
destroyed it around 2005. The diocese of Brandon, which acted as guarantor, has been making payments since 1999 toward a $50,000 Anglican Foundation loan and grant for the building, which had not been insured.

The original church, built around the end of the 19th century, was structurally unsound and needed to be demolished. The Journal reported that an arson fire had destroyed St. John’s church in 1999. The Rev. Steven Martin, rector of St. John’s, receives a half-stipend and benefits from the diocese of Brandon, out of the support grant it receives as a member of the Council of the North. He also receives a stipend from the congregation of St. James’ Grand Rapids, where he is also rector. The Journal identified Martin as a non-stipendiary priest. Ω


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