Budget shortfall

Published May 1, 2005

Revenues and expenditures in the diocese of New Westminster are in line with expectations, but dropping contributions to Stewards in Action could require a special financial synod this year.

In March, diocesan council approved a $2.6 million budget for 2005 and heard that the plan to adjust regular diocesan operations in line with reduced revenues was on track but that outreach expenditures financed by donations to Stewards in Action were losing revenue.

Budgets for the last three years have drawn funds for ordinary expenditures from a fund originally set up to finance diocesan growth. Use of money from that fund has helped make up for an annual shortfall of about $300,000 resulting from the walkout of eight parishes opposed to same-sex blessings. Those parishes have refused to pay their assessments to the Vancouver-based diocese.

The 2004 budget expected donations of $475,000 to the stewardship program, but only received $430,000.


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