
Published February 1, 1999

RCMP honoured

A series of memorial windows by artist Lise Merchant, honouring the 125th year of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, were dedicated last summer in Christ Church Cathedral in Whitehorse.

A memorial service was held during the dedication, marking the loss of 15 members who died on duty, dating back to Special Const. Stick Sam’s death on July 29, 1903.

The window above depicts an Inuvialuit family welcoming the North West Mounted Police schooner St. Roch, the first vessel to circumnavigate North America.

The centre window depicts a dog team which was, for more than 60 years of the force’s history, the best way of getting around the country.

At right, a single officer, head bowed at the monument of the Lost Patrol, remembers all those who served and lost their lives.

Journal writer welcomes new baby boy

Anglican Journal readers will be pleased to know that staff writer Kathy Blair gave birth to a son, Ryan Joseph, on Jan. 13.

Ms. Blair will be spending the next few months on maternity leave and will return to the Journal later in the year.


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