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Bishop Harold Jones

By Anglican Journal Staff
Published January 1, 2003

Bishop Harold Jones, retired bishop of the Episcopal diocese of South Dakota and the first American Indian to be elevated to the office of bishop by any Christian denomination died in November. He was 92.

“He lived the Native American concept of generosity,” said Rev. Ron Hennies of Rapid City, S.D., an Episcopal priest and longtime friend of Bishop Jones. “He’d give you literally the shirt off his back, and he’d never check to see if he had a spare. He brought many of the characteristics of the best of Native American culture with him to this Christian expression.”

Bishop Jones was consecrated as a suffragan (assistant) bishop of the Episcopal Church in 1972. His consecration marked the highlight of a career that began in 1938 with his ordination.

He served at the Pine Ridge Mission, the Cheyenne River Agency, Gettysburg, Dupree, Pine Ridge, and Wahpeton, N.D., Fort Defiance, Ariz., and Rapid City.

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